654 LIT:CLASSICAL PER 05 [Course Description(654)]
Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor
12220-9 LR M W 0330-0518 HH 0050 FUKUMORI*N
654 * Japanese Literature: Classical Period U G 5 Survey of Japanese literature from the eighth to the mid-fourteenth century: myths, court poetry, tales, fiction, diaries, and miscellanies. Au Qtr. 5 cl. Prereq: 231 or 251 or 252, or another Japanese literature course at the 200 level or above.
675 WOM WRITR,CLTR&SOC 05 [Course Description(675)]
Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor
02473-0 LR T R 0330-0518 HH 0359 FUKUMORI*N (26 spots)
675 Women Writers, Culture, and Society in East Asia U G 5 Close examination of representative works of major women writers from China, Japan, and Korea in the cultural and ideological context of each country. Au, Wi, Sp Qtrs. 2 2-hr cl. No knowledge of East Asian languages is required. All reading materials are in English.
H372 MOD HEBRW LIT-TRNS 05 Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor 10997-6 LR ** T R 0930-1118 SO 0241 BRENNER*N
330 INTRO BRAZ CULTR 05 Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor 18155-1 LR T R 1130-0118 CM 0335 GORDON*R (45 spots)
330 Introduction to Brazilian Culture U 5 Integrated, multidisciplinary overview of modern Brazilian culture in terms of its visual, plastic, musical, literary, dramatic, and popular arts within socio-economic and political context. 2 2-hr cl. Knowledge of Portuguese not needed. GEC arts and hums cultures and ideas course.
615 CHILDREN & WAR 05 12141-2 L M W 0330-0518 CC 0245 HOUSEKNECHT
H583 GEN&WOMEN IN EW 05 [Course Description(H583)]
H583 Cinderella's Fantasy: Gender and Women in Western and Eastern Europe U 5
The complementary nature of feminists' notions in Western and Eastern European societies and cultures via literature and film. Prereq: Enrollment in an honors program or by permission of department or instructor. Taught in English. Films have English subtitles.
Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor
21713-6 L M W 1130-0118 BE 0184 SUCHLAND*J
360 Russian Dreams and Nightmares: The Modern Russian Experience through Film U 5 Exploration of some of the most revealing hopes and disappointments of Russian people presented in internationally acclaimed Russian films. Wi Qtr. 4 cl. Taught in English. No knowledge of Russian necessary. GEC arts and hums VPA and non-western (global) course.
18870-2 L T R 0830-1018 SO 0048
18871-8 L M W 0400-0548 JR 0221
18872-3 L T R 0430-0618 HH 0259 DRAHAIEVA-TU
520 RUSSIAN GOLDEN AGE 05 [Course Description(520)]
Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor
18877-1 L M W 0930-1118 AV 0215 CARON*I
520 The Golden Age of Russian Literature U G 5 Novels, stories, plays and poetry of the major early nineteenth-century Russian Writers, including Puskin, Lermontov and Gogol. Taught in English.
597^ Issues of the Contemporary World
597.01 Language Endangerment and Language Death U 5 Examines language endangerment and language death to reach an understanding of the forces threatening the survival of over half of todays' 6,000 languages.
Su, Au, Wi, Sp Qtrs. 2 2-hr cl. Prereq: Jr or sr standing. GEC contemporary world course.
International Studies, Political Science, History, Sociology/Psychology
all the language/literature departments, English, Comparative Studies
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