Wednesday, October 15, 2008

yes, I'm here.

Yes, real life gets into my way and then doesn't let me blog or spend time on my favorite websites or read my blog list. That is too bad.

I'm stopping by the get a book from the library, then hopefully I get home in time for psychologist appointment.

don't mind me, it is only almost time for sign up. :)

654 LIT:CLASSICAL PER 05 [Course Description(654)]
Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor
12220-9 LR M W 0330-0518 HH 0050 FUKUMORI*N
654 * Japanese Literature: Classical Period U G 5 Survey of Japanese literature from the eighth to the mid-fourteenth century: myths, court poetry, tales, fiction, diaries, and miscellanies. Au Qtr. 5 cl. Prereq: 231 or 251 or 252, or another Japanese literature course at the 200 level or above.

675 WOM WRITR,CLTR&SOC 05 [Course Description(675)]
Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor
02473-0 LR T R 0330-0518 HH 0359 FUKUMORI*N (26 spots)
675 Women Writers, Culture, and Society in East Asia U G 5 Close examination of representative works of major women writers from China, Japan, and Korea in the cultural and ideological context of each country. Au, Wi, Sp Qtrs. 2 2-hr cl. No knowledge of East Asian languages is required. All reading materials are in English.

H372 MOD HEBRW LIT-TRNS 05 Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor 10997-6 LR ** T R 0930-1118 SO 0241 BRENNER*N

330 INTRO BRAZ CULTR 05 Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor 18155-1 LR T R 1130-0118 CM 0335 GORDON*R (45 spots)

330 Introduction to Brazilian Culture U 5 Integrated, multidisciplinary overview of modern Brazilian culture in terms of its visual, plastic, musical, literary, dramatic, and popular arts within socio-economic and political context. 2 2-hr cl. Knowledge of Portuguese not needed. GEC arts and hums cultures and ideas course.


615 CHILDREN & WAR 05 12141-2 L M W 0330-0518 CC 0245 HOUSEKNECHT

H583 GEN&WOMEN IN EW 05 [Course Description(H583)]
H583 Cinderella's Fantasy: Gender and Women in Western and Eastern Europe U 5
The complementary nature of feminists' notions in Western and Eastern European societies and cultures via literature and film. Prereq: Enrollment in an honors program or by permission of department or instructor. Taught in English. Films have English subtitles.
Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor
21713-6 L M W 1130-0118 BE 0184 SUCHLAND*J

360 Russian Dreams and Nightmares: The Modern Russian Experience through Film U 5 Exploration of some of the most revealing hopes and disappointments of Russian people presented in internationally acclaimed Russian films. Wi Qtr. 4 cl. Taught in English. No knowledge of Russian necessary. GEC arts and hums VPA and non-western (global) course.
18870-2 L T R 0830-1018 SO 0048
18871-8 L M W 0400-0548 JR 0221
18872-3 L T R 0430-0618 HH 0259 DRAHAIEVA-TU

520 RUSSIAN GOLDEN AGE 05 [Course Description(520)]
Call Number Section Type Restrictor Days Time Building/Room Instructor
18877-1 L M W 0930-1118 AV 0215 CARON*I
520 The Golden Age of Russian Literature U G 5 Novels, stories, plays and poetry of the major early nineteenth-century Russian Writers, including Puskin, Lermontov and Gogol. Taught in English.

597^ Issues of the Contemporary World
597.01 Language Endangerment and Language Death U 5 Examines language endangerment and language death to reach an understanding of the forces threatening the survival of over half of todays' 6,000 languages.
Su, Au, Wi, Sp Qtrs. 2 2-hr cl. Prereq: Jr or sr standing. GEC contemporary world course.

International Studies, Political Science, History, Sociology/Psychology
all the language/literature departments, English, Comparative Studies