8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
* chatting tonight on The Spark challenge blog, although the chat starts at 8 pm my time (7 pm CST/1 am for miss kim smith in england)... and I usually get home around 9 pm, so hopefully people will still be around! // the new Use Your Type prompt is being posted today :)
* getting my grades back on my midterms (EU class tonight, 559 on monday, and I take my 245 one tomorrow, so probably get it back on monday)
* going grocery shopping with my brother tomorrow :) (wednesdays are our usual day, when I get home around 6 pm from school)
* coming up with something awesome/making it/having fun with the latest Work Your Soul challenge which is EMBROIDERY *swoon at kim's things already :)* http://work-your-soul.blogspot.com/2009/04/fall-in-love-all-over-again.html
* finishing my mini book/art journal/project thing which I submitted to challenge blogs Work Your Soul (analog photos), The Art is Found (green grass), and The Spark (favorite color combo)
* general CRAFT/ART TIME! Just got latest issue of Cloth Paper Scissors yesterday plus have a few other misc craft/art magazines.. and projects in progress and ideas for new ones/things to try and etc. :)
* watching tv shows I'm behind on: America's Next Top Model, L&O:CI, Castle, House, Jon + Kate Plus Eight, and whatever else is on the TV recording things..
* books/magazines coming out this year... Sara Fanelli (I Think, Therefore I am), Amy Karol's new sewing/craft book, Sew Somerset Summer and Autumn issues, Print Making + Mixed Media (out August I think?) and probably others I'm forgeting..
(I wish I had this on my list, not just Janel's! * RVA Craft weekend AND * Meeting blog friends this weekend)
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
* because of the beautiful weather..high of 80s I think?..I wore my bright pink 'live. laugh. love.' shirt and my sky blue corderoy skirt and my sky blue sneakers
* had my 8:30 am class (polisci 245) ..jason is a good teacher (entertaining, interesting, engaging, passionate, laid-back, etc). and mark always hooks me up with print outs of the powerpoint slides for the day. :)
* 559 midterm (10:30 am-2 pm in Professor Thompson's office)
* freaked out/cramped my left hand (writing almost non stop from 8:30 am-2 pm does that to ya.. that's 5 1/2 hours!)
* went to my favorite thrift/vintage stores (one the general kind, one the clothing kind)
* got my favorite evening bus driver on the express bus (i wish i knew his name)
* took the evening off because I worked so hard (my brain hurt, my hand hurt, tired, dehydrated from the hot weather, etc.)
* watched last week's new episode of Castle (the show is kind of cliche, but nathan fillion had me after "firefly")
8 Things I Wish I Could do:
* Motivate myself more (stop playing spider solitare for one!)
* crochet, sew my own clothes, book binding, encaustic, paint on stretched canvas, and a million other crafty/arty things
* relax
* french knots (I try and I just don't get it) -- on Janel's list but I have to keep this because I totally agree!
* win some bloggy giveaways/RAKs/challenge blogs/etc.
* have more penpals (send letters, postcards, art supplies, handmade items, etc.)
* not be so clumsy/out of balance/etc. bugs bite me. i bruise easily. etc. (but i do like scars, don't get me wrong)
8 Shows I Watch:
* Law & Order franchise (original flavor, Special Victims Unit, and Criminal Intent)
* Project Runway (season 5 on Lifetime starts in August)
* America's Next Top Model (currently in cycle 12)
* Castle/Fringe (freshmen/rookies on the TV roster)
* Burn Notice (season 3 on USA starts in June? July?)
* Jon and Kate Plus Eight (I love that family.. and those kids are so cute!)
* Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice (my thursdays on ABC duo)
* guilty pleasures: Pretty Wicked, Road Rules/Real World Challenges (currently Duel II)
8 Favorite Fruits:
* Oranges
* Bananas
* berries... strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, etc. (not a giant fan of blueberries)
* Kiwi
* Grapes
* Grapefruit
* Apples
* most any other..I LOVE fruit (and anything related.. made with/flavored with/etc)
8 Places I’d Like to Travel To:
* Chicago
* San Fransisco (get a photoshoot with miss caitlin!)
* Idaho (to meet Kara :))
* England (to meet Kim Smith, RhiCaroline, etc.)
* Springfield, MO (meet Elsie, Rachel, Jeremy, etc. and get Janel over there too..)
* Poland (only because I've been so fascinated/interested in the country)
* China/Japan (let's hit them with a one-two punch)
* again?: Portland, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, NYC, and Taiwan.
8 Places I’ve Lived:
* Taiwan (where I was born)
* house in dublin
* house in upper arlington
* house in clintonville
* house in mt. gilead
* house in worthington
* New York (for a few weeks every few months for the past few years :))
...I think that's it?
Janel's is here
Holly's is here
OH! And because I feel like it... and the lists above only total seven different ones...
8 random facts about me
* I don't usually like animals, but Tinker (past) and Shelley (current) family dogs I do like. :)
* when I was a kid I wanted to be: an author, a mailman, and "someone who names paint colors"
* I never cared for fish (besides fish sticks which doesn't count!) until late 2007
* I love mixing my food together..sometimes that makes awfully interesting combos. :)
* I'm sensitive/dislike loud noises (crowds of people, fireworks, etc)
* I like the smell of my earwax.
* I love people's handwriting
* I "get emotional/tear up" (if not start crying/sobbing) everytime I hear the west wing theme music. *sigh*
* almost all of my google blog reader is craft/art/inspiration/etc. type blogs and sites. (well besides my folder for current events/UN/IR/etc. that I still need to get in the habit of reading)... however SO@24 is my entertainment/guy's perspective/and i'm not sure how else to quite to describe it..I can't remember how or when I found it, but I've been a reader of it since at least earlier this year, if not longer.